posted by Mo(:

not in the picture, Bella

That's us, with Ahmad Azra'i, president LDP 09/10.

But that's not my point though. A huge congratulations goes to KARMA, for the excellent results that each one of us obtains. Hana, I'm so proud of you. Yet we all know you'll be on the stage receiving your straight A's award. Weet weet. Nadia, Saffura, Bella, Auliah. You guys are amazing too, no doubt there ;)

I'm glad you guys didn't come with price tags for I wouldn't afford having wonderful friends like you ♥

p/s : Meriah ja semua dengan selendang bermacam warna. Tehee


  1. minta tolong yer bebudak karma sekalian... sape taw fb auliah.? tlg bgi link kat fb sy... (^_^) da terlost contact... huhu :(
    my fb:
    azinuddin azizul azuan
    الدين الدين
    dy stdy kt mnerek skunk?
